Federico, Ambra and Giordano

About us

Here we are: Federico, Ambra, and Giordano. Do you really want to know who we are and what we have done with our lives up to this point? If you do, then come and meet us personally. We will be happy to tell you maybe not everything, but at least how we got to know each other and what inspired us to bgin this beautiful and fascinating adventure together.

At a minimum, we will tell you that Federico is the oldest of the three and the most experienced. He is Ambra's husband and Giordano's brother-in-law. (Hence Ambra and Giordano are brother and sister.) Federico knows the Celio neighborhood like the back of his hand. It was actually he who started our involvement in the tourist business in the year 2004, and therefore it is above all thanks to him that today all three of us find ourselves busy from morning til night and ever more passionately involved in a world of people who come and people who go. As to Federico, he works as if possessed; don't be surprised if you see him in three different places at once!

Ambra is the only woman in the group. Thank god she's there, with her sense of irony, and with her unpredicable style of taking the reins. It's unnecessary to say ther it is her imprint which is everywhere evident, above all her by now legendary breakfasts.

And then there's Giordano, youngest of the three. It is he who is the full time owner-manager of Villa Emilia. He loves dishing out useful advice for guests overwhelmed by Rome, but above all he enjoys just spending time in the company of his guests. In fact, the truth is that he'd often prefer to be traveling in their place. Luckily, he takes off every now and then for parts unknown.

Besides the core group, we are surrouned by our parents, siblings, aunts and uncles, cousins, nieces,and nephews, and above all by many good friends who -- a bit because they like us, a bit because we like them -- help and advise us.

For now, we have nothing more to say, other than, "We're waiting for you!".


Eats and Sheets with Good Times Onlus in Cambodia

Since 2013 we have joined the project Good Times Onlus, a non-profit organization of social utility committed to improving the humanitarian and social conditions of communities and populations living in difficult conditions, donating € 1.00 for each reservation made through our website and taking care of updating our guests on the progress of projects through mailing list.




